What We Believe

Our Values


At its best, church is a family of brothers and sisters who follow Jesus together through the ups and downs of life. Resisting the spirit of our age and its obsessions with speed, growth, and consumption, we seek instead to go slow, be small, and love well.

Jesus at the Center

We aim to be a diverse community with the story of Jesus uniting us. Outside our shared commitment to Jesus, we are profoundly different from each other.

In Jesus alone, we see what God is actually like and what human beings are meant to be. Therefore, we aspire to keep the gospel–the joyful announcement that in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, God has redeemed the world from the powers of sin and death–at the heart of everything we do and everything we are.

Human Value

We believe that human beings matter regardless of ethnicity, religion, or background.

God has wondrously created all of us in His own image and crowned us with glory and honor. To encounter another human, therefore, is to enter the presence of royalty, to see the face of our Creator mirrored before us.

We have a sacred demand as followers of Jesus to treat all people with reverence, dignity, and care.

Lovers of the Word

The God who created the world and who raised Jesus from the dead is a God who speaks. We confess that the Scriptures are the Word of God, and through them, we expect to hear God’s voice. We aspire to be a people who joyfully pursue obedience to our crucified and risen King.


We are a church that stands in the heritage of the Protestant Reformation. We are committed to the historic Christian faith as declared in the Apostles' Creed and Nicene Creed. We would commend this statement of faith by the National Association of Evangelicals.

Our church is a member of the 4C's denomination, a congregational association of churches which began in 1948. Congregationalism is important to our way of being the church together as a family, under the gracious Lordship of Jesus and the wise authority of the Scriptures. There are many reasons for this conviction, but foundational is our desire to empower our church members with the privileges and responsibilities God has given to each of us in the body of Christ as followers of Jesus.